Materials Tagged ‘teacher’s guide’

All materials tagged teacher’s guide.

School for Beginners

School for Beginners

NEW! School for Beginners, Level High Lit to L. 3
A complete unit for lit to low 2, with core materials for L. 3.
Contents: kinds of schools and levels, school subjects, school communications (dialogs), report cards and parent-teacher meetings, borrowing classroom items, and much more…
Limited time offer: order the binder before the end of September 2019 and receive the PDF version for free! Having the PDF allows teachers to do their prep at home, since all teachers at the same physical address can download the PDF version on their home computers. Order now and receive the PDF before September 1st and the binder before September 15th.
Note: 1. For pre-lit, low lit we recommend the Number theme from our Literacy Lite book. 2. The MP3 audio track to accompany this book will be uploaded to our website by September 15th. (We are going green! This binder does not come  with a CD.)

Price $45.00

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Housing for Beginners 2017

NEW Housing for Beginners for Pre-Lit to Low 2. Some activities for High L. 2-3.
 PHOTOCOPIABLE*: 586 pages of mix and match sections.
*by teachers at one address for non-commercial use.
 NEW Assessment Tests for each section for Lit & L.1 (a total of 6 sets per level for Reading and Writing, Listening, and Speaking).
 NEW Stand-alone unit on Recycling.
 Separate grammar, field trip, phonics and trace exercises to make lesson planning easier.
 Plus big pictures, games, jazz chants, songs, story units, dialog card games, and more.
 This replaces the old Housing for Lit and Housing Supplement for L. 1 binders. If you have purchased one of our old Housing binders in the past year, contact us about getting a rebate when you upgrade to the new expanded version.     Price $75.00

Housing for Beginners

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Holidays for Lit and Low 1

Holidays for Literacy (& Low 1)

   Description: The ultimate resource binder covering Canadian holidays and ethnic festivals, with follow-up exercises, 15 reader copy masters, phonics, card games, board games, grammar worksheets, and more! Over 700 pages, covering such holidays and ethnic festivals as Canada Day, Remembrance Day, Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, Diwali, Ramadan, Vaisakhi, Halloween, and Valentines Day.
Price $90.00

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Shopping for Clothes for Lit and Low 1

 Shopping for Clothes (for Lit & Low 1) …a 460-page binder bonanza of materials for Lit and Low 1 that covers:  types of clothing, clothing departments, size and colour, simple shopping dialogs, methods of payment, reading flyers, use of the comparative to ask for something different (“Do you have anything __er?”), describing location in a store, asking and following directions in a mall or department store, and simple rules regarding returns.  The numeracy sections cover asking and answering questions regarding size; recognizing and counting money amounts; asking and answering questions about prices; reading size labels, price tags and receipts; reading and copying flyer prices; and reading store hours.  Students also learn to sound out target words in the daily phonics sequences and to read simple stories (New Shoes, Going to the Mall, and A New Suit)

Special features include:*  Photocopiable student worksheets and activity masters (*by teachers at one address).*  228 pages of worksheets and activity masters*   a 29-page Phonics section *   a 34-page Numeracy section*   a 43-page Grammar supplement *   a 10-page Field Trip section *   64 pages of large picture flashcards*   a class set of colour cards,  for a total of 460 pages of student-centred, teacher-friendly material that both you and your students will love.

Also: * Week One Lesson Plans for both Literacy and Level 1.* A comprehensive set of page-by-page teaching hints and follow-up suggestions for both the novice and experienced teacher.* 3 stories presented in both Literacy Reader and Level 1 format.* 3 songs by B.C. artist Antonia Robertson (included in the binder CD)

To order: Order through the website by clicking the “Add to Cart” button, or find out other ways to order.

Price $65.00

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Shopping for Food for Lit and Low 1

Suitable for both literacy and level one, this 323-page binder includes:
• 242 pages of photocopiable worksheets and activity and game masters.
• a comprehensive Teacher’s Guide with sample week one lesson plans for each level.
3 literacy readers PLUS similar stories in level one format: At the Supermarket; Sam Goes Shopping, and Tom Needs Milk.
• the master for Food Bingo.
• 3 dialog card game masters.
• 44 pages of big pictures.
• an extensive phonics section for literacy level.
• a section on Personal Care Products for level 1.
For this unit, we highly recommend using: our number workbook for Lit/L. 1: “Bingo Plus!” and for Level 1 classes, “Success in Teaching Pronunciation to Levels 1 & 2”. Also useful: our ESL Bingo kit and Number & Money Wizard kit

Price $46.00

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Literacy Writing Boards

Laminated literacy writing boards: use with water soluble pens or whiteboard pens.
Students learn to copy words using the correct stroke direction. Each board is double-sided. For multi-level classes, have upper students cover the model and write the word, then uncover to check.
 Numbers*  Alphabet**  Days of the Week/Months of the Year
*Numbers to 10 on one side and numbers to 100 on the other, in number and print form.
**Small cap on one side and large cap on the other.(Pre-lit to lit)
Price $2.50

Literacy Writing Boards

Literacy Sub Package

All you need to survive 2 to 3 days of a mixed literacy class.  A great resource for subs with little or no literacy experience or for literacy teachers who want to provide support for their subs. Contains: a day one checklist, lesson plans for days 1 to 3, a cut-up ready-to-go Concentration Game to introduce the new words, a new word handout, a literacy reader “Where’s the Teacher?” (sample reader and copy master), 2 Write handouts, phonics handouts (student handout and pair practice cards); reader follow-up activities (Circle the Same Word; Write the Missing Word; Story Board Game; and Crossword Puzzle); 3 grammar handouts, and “Where?”handout and pair fluency cards. See our Holidays for Literacy binder for a great all-year-round resource. (Pre-lit to lit) Expanded in May, 2012*.

Buy print for $15.00

Buy PDF for $3.00 Add to Cart

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ESL Bingo Set

Traditional bingo on one side and ESL bingo using dates, prices, phone numbers, streets and years on the other. Each set includes caller cards, bingo chips and class set of 21 different laminated bingo cards.
Price $30.00

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Number Workbook- Bingo Plus

(Pre-lit to level ) A range of number and money handouts for literacy/level one plus the copy master for written bingo (22 different game boards).  A core book for teaching numeracy. For more numeracy materials see our Number and Money Wizard Kit (Lit to Level 3), ESL Bingo (lit to level 1) , and Number Literacy Writing Boards (pre-lit/lit).

Price $8.00

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Doctor for Literacy-Teacher’s Guide

Identifying medical problems, calling in sick, should & shouldn’t, making an appointment, checking in at the doctor’s office, personal information questions, forms, doctor’s commands. 247 pages. The author’s favourite! Pre-lit to high level 1.

Buy print for $45.00
Buy PDF for $7.00

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